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Motion Platform

Our cloud-based building controls platform offers a modern, simple, fast user experience, backed by a state-of-the-art infrastructure.

Your hardware.
Our software features.
In the palm of your hand.

Emergency Push Notifications

Remote Control Functionality

Centralized Alarm Management




Historical & Live Data

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Emergency Push Notifications

The best way to mitigate risk is to stay informed, 24/7, no matter where you are. Motion does it best.

Leak detection?  HVAC equipment issues? Extreme temperature conditions? Configure alarms for any application in Motion Platform and use our fully featured mobile app to stay closely connected to the warning signs that your buildings provide to prevent catastrophic damage, repair costs, and downtime.

Motion’s critical alerts are pushed directly to users’ iOS and Android devices. Its always-connected alarm infrastructure insures delivery of alarms to your staff and service contractors before irreparable damage or downtime can occur.

Remote Control

24/7 anywhere control is at the touch of your fingertip thanks to Motion Platform. Adjusting a thermostat setpoint, closing a water valve, starting the boilers— all just a click away. 

Remote control permissions can be securely granted to authorized users to provide them the exact functionality they’re authorized to have.

Centralized Alarm Mgmt.

What good is an alarm notification if it is poorly managed? For this reason, Motion Platform enables users to oversee all active (and previous) alarm events from a single view, across any amount of sites.

Every alarm event comes with an ‘Alarm Details’ view, which timestamps live activity of when an alarm took place, when an alarm was acknowledged, and when an alarm was cleared—giving users a complete picture of the alarm event timeline. 

Always know who responded—or failed to respond—when it was most important, holding staff accountable for their responsibilities.

Smart Schedules

Decrease energy consumption and streamline energy management efforts during non-peak hours or when equipment is not in use. 

Easily deploy optimization schedules for thermostat temperature set points, lighting, security alarms, refrigeration set points, and any other controllable device in your building.

Share Anything

Imagine sharing live system data with your service contractor during a time when your systems detect the need for remote troubleshooting and fast solutions. Thanks to Motion, the ability to do this is now right at your fingertips.

Our robust permission grants feature allows user admins to permanently or temporarily share customized dashboards tailored to the exact level of building needs for any individual. Now with Motion Platform, management, building staff, tenants, and service contractors can receive a platform experience that meets their exact needs. All from a single account.

Tenant Controls

Motion Platform’s Tenant Portal provides the exact level of device management that your tenants are looking for in their units. Easily transform any cost-effective commercial Wi-Fi thermostat into a Motion cloud-based thermostat, or integrate your existing BAS thermostat devices into our cloud, and provide a smart unit that your tenants can remotely manage on their own.

Thanks to Motion Platform, building owners and contractors now have a scalable ‘smart unit’ alternative that provides their tenants remote climate and energy management solutions for their units. This tenant-specific interface also gives property managers the ability to oversee device activity in all of the units.

Historical & Trending Data

Data point values are capable of automatically logging every 15 seconds and can be displayed in a real-time or historical charted view. Stack and view multiple sets of trending Motion Tiles at any given time. 

Detect anomalies, outlier values, inefficient and underperforming equipment, energy consumption trends, etc. that will help users proactively implement decision making and operational parameters to drive facility objectives forward.